• Dear West Plains School District Families,

    When our students, families, and staff returned to school on August 23, 2021, the Delta variant recently emerged, and the number of COVID cases increased over the summer.  Since then, the number of positive cases on campus has been relatively small, however, our mask requirement has kept nearly 100 students from having to quarantine due to exposure. 

    At last night’s September Board of Education meeting, a decision was made that will impact each building.  After a continuous review of the data, it was decided that all teachers and high school students will continue to wear masks. All elementary and middle school students are highly recommended to wear masks. The masking changes are effective immediately. The data will be evaluated on an ongoing basis, and if it is determined there is a rise in positivity or quarantines, students will once again be required to wear a mask.

    We remain focused on what’s best for our students. We make every decision with the best interests of our entire school family in mind. I appreciate your support.


    Dr. Lori Wilson
    Superintendent of Schools
    West Plains School District