• Take ed2go online courses from the comfort of your home or office at the times that are most convenient for you.

    We offer you hundreds of engaging online courses for adults, covering every topic from Anatomy to Web Design.

    Each ed2go course comes equipped with a patient and caring instructor, lively discussions with your fellow students, and plenty of practical information that you can put to immediate use. All courses run for six weeks (with a two-week grace period at the end). Courses are project-oriented and include lessons, quizzes, hands-on assignments, discussion areas, supplementary links, and more. You can complete any of these courses entirely from your home or office and at any time of the day or night. 

    affordable, fun, fast, convenient, and geared just for you

    How to Get Started:

    1. Visit our Online Instruction Center: www.ed2go.com/westplains 
    2. Click the Courses links, choose the department and course title you are interested in and select the Enroll Now button. Then follow the instructions to enroll and pay for you course. You will choose a username and password that grants you access to the Classroom.
    3. When your courses start, return to our Online Instruction Center and click the Classroom link. To begin your studies, simply log in with the username and password you selected during enrollment.