• Dear Zizzer Families,

    We're excited to return to school in less than three weeks (August 23), and we know families have many questions.  Our goal is to make school as normal as possible while keeping everyone safe.  Below is a summary of the Return to Learn Plan, now referred to as the West Plains Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan (SRCSP). Click here to review this plan.

    Masks in School
    The use of masks will be determined as more information is gathered over the next three weeks from various sources, which may include: DESE, CDC, and the Howell County Health Department.

    Masks on Buses
    The federal government continues to require wearing masks on all school buses nationwide for the time being.

    Quarantine/Close Contacts
    The Howell County Health Department will identify close contacts and the need to quarantine as they did last school year. People who are identified as close contacts but have been vaccinated and are not experiencing COVID symptoms will not have to quarantine.

    School Offices
    Our principals and school secretaries are back in their offices and ready to help you begin a successful school year.

    ESSER III Information, Survey, and Comments on SRCSP
    Data shows that the pandemic has had a significant impact on student learning, both across the country and West Plains Schools. The district is launching a stakeholder engagement process to help determine how to spend additional federal dollars to address unfinished learning and COVID-19 recovery. 

    The American Rescue Plan (ARP) signed into law in March by President Joe Biden included $122 billion in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds for school districts across the country.  This is the single largest investment in elementary and secondary education in the nation’s history.  West Plains has applied to receive a portion of this additional funding.

    One component of this application is to create and post the West Plains School District Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan (SRCSP).  The majority of schools in Missouri posted a Return to Learn plan at this time last year.  Our plan will continue to be updated as needed.  Additional ESSER III information, public comments, and a survey to help determine how to prioritize the use of the potential ESSER funds are located Click here.  

    There are many perspectives to consider as we prepare to return to more normal operations, and there may be other challenges ahead. Rest assured, we make every decision with the best interests of our entire school family in mind. 


    Dr. Lori Wilson
    Superintendent of Schools
    West Plains School District