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Filtering Policies and Procedures

Filtering Policies and Procedures

Web filtering

The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) became law on April 20, 2001. To be in compliance with this legislation, public school districts must certify that they have measures in place that block or filter Internet access for both minors and adults to certain visual depictions.

Unrestricted browsing opens doors that allow viruses, Trojans, spyware, and other malware into your network that will very likely if not certainly decrease productivity, cause network disruptions, or even steal vital proprietary information. Web filtering is concerned primarily with HTTP-based threats to the network. HTTP threats that need to be protected against include threats revolving around messaging, email, P2P fileshare, spyware, adware, hijackers, cookies, DRM, malware, phishing, spam, worms, and employee Web surfing. Protecting against all of these threats requires a multi-layered content security strategy. Web filtering is a critically important component of this strategy, since HTTP communications are one of the primary methods used to exploit people, applications and networks.

E-mail filtering

We also use software to filter e-mail, to ensure that file attachments containing computer viruses cannot be sent or received, and to ensure that e-mail is not used in an inappropriate way. It is possible to check for inappropriate words or phrases in e-mails, and to divert them if required.