English as Second Language
Program Objectives and Goals:
- To increase student’s ability to speak the English language
- To provide parents/guardians information regarding instructional programs available for not only their child but for them to utilize to become a part of our community
- To assess students to determine placement in appropriate classroom environment
- Parents to be actively involved with their child’s education
Program Description:
ESL/ELL/ESOL-The West Plains R-VII School District recognizes the need to provide equal educational opportunities for all students in the district. Therefore, if the inability to speak and understand the English language due to national origin or non-English speaking environments excludes a student from effective participation in the educational programs offered by the district, the district takes appropriate action to rectify the English language deficiency in order to provide the student equal access to it programs.
The district provides the following:
- Student identification though the use of a Student Home Language survey. All new and currently enrolled students complete the Home Language Survey in each campus location. The building administrator will implement procedures to ensure the completion of the survey on an annual basis.
- Any student who indicates the use of language other than English will be assessed for English proficiency using the state-provided assessment WIAT Screening. The assessment includes all the modalities of reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
- Determination of appropriate instructional environment for ESL students. Types of services provided by the district are, but not limited to: tutoring and ESL Services.
- Annually assess the English proficiency of ESL/ELL/ESOL students and monitor the progress of students receiving ESL/ELL/ESOL or bilingual instruction in order to determine their readiness for the mainstream classroom environment.
- Provide parent with notice and information regarding the instructional program as required by law. Parental involvement will be encouraged and parents will be regularly apprised of their child’s progress.
- An interpreter is available to help with communication between the parents, school and community, as needed.