K -12 Curriculum & Instruction
Educational Experience:
- Five years at Ozark Schools as an upper elementary and reading teacher
- Ten years at Nixa Public Schools as a seventh-grade ELA teacher and instructional coach
- Two years at West Plains Schools as an instructional coach
- Two years as the Coordinator of Secondary Teaching and Learning
- Masters Degree in Reading
- Specialist Degree in Teacher Leadership
- Doctorate in Instructional Leadership
Professional Organizations:
- Southwest Curriculum Directors Association
- Missouri Association of School Administrators
- Optimist Club of West Plains
- Delta Kappa Gamma (Women in Education)
- Show-Me Curriculum Administrators Association
- National Education Association
- Zizzer Class of 1998
- Resides in West Plains with her husband, Kevin, and their son, Cash
Tiffany James Young
Director of Teaching and Learning
Phone: (417) 256-6150 ext 1013
E-mail: tiffany.young@zizzers.org
Address: 610 E. Olden St.