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Medication Policy

School Medication Policy


Student’s medications should be given at home if at all possible. This decreases the chance of errors such as missed or forgotten doses. Medication will only be given during school hours by complying with these guidelines.

  1. The medication consent form must be completed and signed.
  2. Prescription medications must be in the original bottle for use. Medications given on a regular basis (inhalers, Ritalin… etc..) must have the latest refill and be sent no more than a month's supply at a time. Medication will only be given during school time if the prescription states: at noon, every four hours, or every six hours. Three times a day medication will not be given during school hours.
  3. Over-the-counter medication (other than those listed on the Medication Consent Form) must come in the original container and a medication consent form signed by the parent or guardian and turned in to the school nurse. 
  4. All medications must be turned in at the School Nurse’s Office along with a dated note giving permission for the nurse to administer the medication. Medications are not to be sent on the bus. Incidents regarding the transportation of controlled substances on the bus will be referred to law enforcement officials.
  5. Medication bottles will be sent home when the medication course is completed or expires

    Please send cough drops for your child to keep in the teacher’s classroom.
    Questions concerning this policy may be directed to your student's school nurse.
    For medication to be given, you must follow the protocol outlined herein and in the handbook.