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West Plains Elementary Preschools 

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Preschool Hours
Half-day morning - 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Half-day afternoon - 11:30 a.m. - 2:50 p.m.
Full Day - 7:30 a.m. - 2:50 p.m.

South Fork Elementary Preschool

A full-day program that meets from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

All preschool programs in the West Plains School District utilize Project Construct.  The Project Construct model curriculum is recognized throughout the state of Missouri as being one of the best curriculums available for early childhood students. The Department has developed an early childhood curriculum approval process, which includes the following four areas:  Evaluation Process, Evaluation Criteria Information, Curriculum Rubric, and Evaluation Report.   Early childhood curricula approved in this process are available for use in Department-funded programs. 

What is Project Construct?

Project Construct is designed to be used with children from birth through age seven.  Project Construct incorporates curricular goals and assessment tools that are linked to standards and reflect current knowledge about how children learn and develop.

Project Construct is derived from constructivism--the theoretical view that learners construct knowledge through interactions with the physical and social environments. The constructivist theory assumes that learning is due more to the reorganization of ways of thinking, of building upon the "known," than to development alone or the accumulation of facts alone.

Project Construct classrooms incorporate many of the activities found in traditional classrooms, such as pretend play and block building, but have a clear emphasis on cognitive objectives. A feature of a Project Construct classroom is its emphasis on the needs of individual children.  A Project Construct teacher takes into account and supports the varying abilities of individual children, using developmentally appropriate practices and child-initiated experiences.  The result is a supportive, collaborative, child-centered environment in which all children flourish.

What is The Early Childhood Framework for Curriculum and Assessment?

The Early Childhood Framework for Curriculum and Assessment reflects the constructivist theory of learning, which states that children actively construct their own knowledge and values as a result of their interactions with the physical and social worlds.  This process-oriented framework not only supports young children’s ways of learning but also provides teachers, families, and administrators with the information they need to make appropriate decisions regarding the education of young children.

The Early Childhood Framework for Curriculum and Assessment is intended to serve as a curriculum and assessment resource offering guidelines and suggestions.  The framework enables teachers to function as professional decision-makers by providing them with theoretical and practical information that they can use to plan and develop an early childhood curriculum based on their individual goals, needs, and circumstances.  It also provides ways in which teachers can share information with families and increase family involvement.  The framework can inform administrators about ways in which they can support teachers who are implementing constructivist principles and practices.

Overview of the Curriculum Framework

Because young children do not categorize learning according to various disciplines as adults do, this framework is not organized according to traditional subject areas. Instead, it draws from the constructivist theory of learning and is organized according to four domains or spheres of development: Sociomoral, Cognitive, Representational, and Physical. Although separated in this document for the purpose of organization, these domains are interrelated, and children’s development in any one domain influences and is influenced by their development in the others.

Sociomoral development, the focus of the first Project Construct domain, refers to children’s growing capacity to relate emotionally, ethically, and intellectually to the external world. This capacity is critical to development in all other domains because, according to constructivist theory, all aspects of development occur within a sociomoral environment. When children construct—through interactions with others—an understanding of self and others, of social roles, and of the values held by their society, and develop inquisitive, inventive, reflective, and confident dispositions, they establish the foundation for lifelong learning and autonomy.

The second developmental domain in this framework is the Cognitive domain. Project Construct is based on the belief that children’s cognitive development always occurs within a social and physical context. When children interact with people and objects in the environment, they form certain expectations and theories about how things are. As they attempt to make sense of their experiences, children construct a framework of relationships (schema) by which they organize information and make judgments. A key to cognitive development is the ability to reconcile new knowledge with what the learner already knows. When expectations are not met or when new information is inconsistent with previous knowledge, children cannot simply add new information to previous ways of thinking; instead, they must construct new, often more elaborate understandings. Cognitive development refers to the increasing ability of children to coordinate thinking processes and theoretical frameworks with the demands of their environment.

The constructivist theory includes conventional knowledge as an area of cognitive development. Recent research by cognitive scientists has affirmed the important role of conventional knowledge; after all, knowledge is the “raw material” used in cognition. In this framework, however, developmental benchmarks related to conventional knowledge are not identified as a distinct category within the Cognitive domain. Why? The answer lies in the very nature of conventional knowledge itself.

Conventional knowledge consists of a number of facts, rules, symbols, or customs agreed upon by society. Gained through interaction with external sources, such as books, television programs, and other people, conventional knowledge encompasses children’s development in all four domains. For example, a child may learn about herself and her own family at first. Later, she may discover that other individuals and families do things differently. This information—or conventional knowledge—provides the child with a way to think about and communicate with other individuals about things that are important to her and others. As she builds on her knowledge, the child expands her ability to put things into relationships as well as to consider the perspective of others. In this way, conventional knowledge supports her development in all domains.

The third domain in this framework is the Representational domain. Representational development refers to children’s growing capacity to form and communicate images or ideas of something seen, known, or imagined. As they develop, children become increasingly able to think about things that are not immediately present. These images or ideas are known as internal representations. When children attempt to convey these ideas to others or record them for their own use or pleasure, they employ some system of external representation. By one year of age, most babies understand several words, gestures to communicate, and try to say a few words. By age two, most toddlers can say about 50 words and can combine some. By three or four, most children can express themselves quite well in their native language. They can also represent their ideas and feelings through painting, drawing, and block building, as well as through music, movement, and pretend play. By means of these various systems of representation (literacy and the expressive arts), children organize their experiences and expand their understanding of the world, as well as their enjoyment.

The ability to represent ideas and feelings, whether through language or some other form of shared representation, provides children with the tools for creating and communicating with others. It also enables children to reflect on imaginary and real-life situations and, as a result, to develop critical thinking and decision-making skills.

 Physical Development, the last domain in this framework, refers to children’s ability to use their bodies with increasing purpose, skill, and control. During the years from birth through seven, children develop the basic motor skills that enable them to respond to their social and physical environments as well as acquire healthy living practices. These skills represent aspects of a child’s motor development and are also closely related to the child’s construction of other kinds of knowledge.

Guiding Principles

Four principles that are integral to Project Construct guide the Early Childhood Framework for Curriculum and Assessment. The following is a description of those principles, along with a list of some teaching practices that support them:


The Project Construct assessment system is based on the belief that progress can be measured more accurately by developmentally appropriate, performance-based assessment methods that are aligned with current views of curriculum and take into account the ways in which young children learn, rather than with standardized paper-and-pencil, multiple-choice achievement and readiness tests. The assessments are consistent with the guidelines for developmentally appropriate assessment of young children (Copple & Bredekamp, 2009; Katz, 1997; National Association for the Education of Young Children & National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education, 2003; Shepard, Kagan, & Wurtz, 1998) and with the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, & National Council on Measurement in Education, 1999).

Based on the overarching principle that assessment should be an integral part of instruction, the Formative Assessment Program reflects three main beliefs: (1) assessment activities should mirror good instructional strategies, (2) assessment criteria should be aligned with learning objective, and (3) assessment results should be used to shape instruction. The system allows teachers to weave a seamless fabric of standards, instruction, and assessment.

Of course, in today’s world of high-stakes, high-pressure assessment, many teachers are required to go beyond the rich formative assessment practices described here and administer one or more large-scale, standardized summative assessments, whether they agree with the validity and usefulness of such assessments or not. However, for those seeking an extra layer of assessment feedback but who are not required to administer a summative assessment, there are other, more developmentally-appropriate options.

The Project Construct assessment approach “is based on the belief that progress can be measured more accurately by developmentally appropriate, performance-based assessment methods that are aligned with current views of curriculum and take into account the ways in which young children learn, rather than with standardized paper-and-pencil, multiple-choice achievement and readiness tests.”

The goal of any good assessment system should be to provide on-going, flexible, robust feedback to teachers, administrators, and families of children in the educational program—feedback that can then be used to quickly adjust instructional goals and practices in order to help children be successful learners across all domains. Large-scale summative evaluation tools simply cannot achieve this goal.

Nevertheless, in the current educational climate where high-stakes testing and “accountability” are the common buzz-words, it is understood that program administrators and teachers might feel the need to add other layers of assessment on top of the formative assessment system proposed in this framework. While Project Construct does not recommend any large-scale summative assessment tool for use in Project Construct classrooms, there are some good, criterion-referenced observational assessment tools available that might exist comfortably in the classroom alongside the Project Construct framework for curriculum, instruction, and assessment and provide an extra measure of feedback to stakeholders who wish it.

For information about the West Plains School District preschool programs, contact Dr. Amy Ross, 417-255-8676 or